Cliff has been doing a sterling job this year after taking over from Noel Manchester with a number of referees already on the cusp of reaching their 10 game mark this early in the season. Thank you to Noel for supporting Cliff in his endeavours to keep the society topped up with new referees. 

Now for your part SHARE SHARE SHARE! 

There are 2 referee's Courses upcoming in county and we are hoping to have society representation at both. If you know anyone who is interested in refereeing please share Cliff's Details so we can keep in touch. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  – 07796792791

To book on and attend a course grab your mobile and use the QR codes below. You will need to be available for the listed day and a follow up day in the summer. You will also need to have done the headcase exam. See the newsletter for where you can find it! 




Leicester Tigers' Ladies kindly invited the society to cover their debut at the Welford Road stadium. The exhibition match saw the club play in both home and away tigers' kit in front of a few hundred fans, marking the occasion. Bomber took the opportunity to match observe Mark on the day.

We hope this to be a great partnership and continue to support women's rugby, with referees and teams of three where possible. On a positive note, the sun was shining and a great day out was had by all. 

Mark Elliott & Bomber Wells. 


Mark sporting the brand new pink shirt on its own Debut @ Welford Road! 

Dear All,

Please find below a copy of the second newsletter of the 2021/22 season which contains:


September Newsletter

Chairman's Note

Global Law Trials Training

New Kit Arrival

Grading, Coaches, Mentors and Development

Assessor Training Day

Age Grade Rugby

Kirsten's Trip to Twickers

Video Equipment

Remembering Dave Williams

Final Words and Dates For Your Diary

Kind Regards,


Luke Thompson

LSRUR Training and Promotions Officer (Co-opted)