Claiming Expenses

Society Member Expenses 

The Society will pay expenses by bank transfer and the Treasurer would like all members to provide them with the details of their bank accounts to enable payments to be made by this method. Our expenses are now managed 

We understand that not all of our members have their own means to travel. The society will re-imburse any reasonable public transport methods such as bus, train and coach. Most clubs are very ameenable to pick up from local public transport hubs.

Taxi's are expensible with receipts but must be pre-approved by the treasurer and the appropriate appointments secretary in advance. Expenses incured for taxis without approval will be rejected. 


Whos the Ref Expenses Guide - For each fixture you complete follow this guide to confirm your expense status or add any additions. You can do this after each match or at the end of each half year. 

Your form should be completed prior to the end of December and prior to the end of May in each season it will auto forward to the treasurer - Expenses are then paid in December for all expenses up to the end of November/December and in May/June for the rest of the season.

Whos the ref send expenses - Click this link to get to send your form in. 



If you are a referee living outside of the county, > 15 miles driven from the county border, then your expenses will be calculated from the point you cross the county border. All other referees see In county expenses. 




For the best exchange experience we recomend our referees travel together where possible. Referees are to contact each other and decide the best travel plan. 

If it is not feasible to travel together due to kick off times or travel times, please make contact with the commitee for solo travel approval. 

Expense forms for the driving referee should be inputted in the usual way - adding on any extra mileage for drop offs and a comment of exchange. The non driving referees should click do not claim - unless they have mileage to a meeting point. 

Any futher information required should be directed to the exchange secretary. 



Exchange Travelling Expenses

Leicestershire Travelling Expenses FormForm

Exchange Travelling Expenses Form

Leicestershire Travelling Expenses Form