Not wanting to stand still, the lsrur kit shop enters 2022 stocked up with more items including dress shirts and the brand new warm up T-shirt! 

The shop can be accessed in the usual way and delivery to the committee for distribution at meetings is free or to your home address for a small postage charge. If you need any assistance please contact one of the committee. And of course send your stash photos to us on Instagram or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

It's been a long time since any of our referees have been able to venture out of the county. We have also had no rugby to offer incoming referees. Finally, we have been able to complete our first official exchange of the season. Eastern Counties were this months pairing. Geoff and his merry band of assessors provided expert views on the refereeing of the Norwich and Suffolk referees whilst Ross Murray and Paul Tilley ventured off to Norwich and Stowmarket respectively. We have another exchange going on this weekend with Gloucester and District referee's society. Good luck to those referees on their travels. 

For those not on development exchanges, Exchange Secretary Rob Knapp is organising social exchanges and already has some dates in the diary. If you are interested in being considered please do get in touch via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07739540132.